All Notifications All Notifications

Type Tax Type Subject Download Publish Date
Notifications JENT Cancellation of Departmental Notification 08/10/2006
Notifications VAT Appointment of authorities by Governor of Jharkhand 31/03/2006
Notifications VAT Amendment of the part E of the schedule 2 of the act in the matter of Rate of Liquors 26/06/2010
Notifications VAT Circular related to Consolidated reg 31/12/2007
Notifications JED ED Notification April-2015 26/03/2015
Notifications VAT In exercise of the powers conferred by the clause (e) of sub-section (5) of Section 8 03/09/2007
Notifications VAT LG-16-2005-22 06/10/2006
Notifications VAT Extension of the validity of Departmental Notification No S.O 27 29/03/2010
Notifications CST In exercise of the powers conferred by the clause (b) of sub-section (5) of Section 8 of the CST Act, 1956 (74 of 1956) 31/03/2006
Notifications VAT In exercise of the powers conferred by the sub-section (1) of Section 45 31/03/2006
Notifications VAT Governor of Jharkhand is pleases to amend the Schedule-II, Part-B 31/03/2007
Notifications JET Challan under The Jharkhand Entry Tax on Consumption or Use of Goods Act,2011 25/08/2011
Notifications VAT Criteria of VAT Audit. SO 130 07/08/2011
Notifications VAT Jharkhand Value Added Tax Act, 2005 31/03/2006
Notifications JVAT Notification for Composition Renewal 22/07/2015
Notifications VAT Set up and erection of check post and barriers 03/03/2010
Notifications VAT Rate of Tax Of Works Contractors 17/12/2014
Notifications VAT Notification Regarding Diesel & Petrol 25/02/2015
Notifications VAT Regarding Tobacoo Tax Rate 10/04/2015
Notifications VAT Amendment of powers 05/07/2011
Notifications VAT Appointment of Audit Authorities 09/10/2009
Notifications VAT TDS rate on Works Contracts 10/03/2012
Notifications VAT In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (ii) of sub-section (3) of Section 95 of the Jharkhand Value Added Tax Act 2005 (Jharkhand Act 05, 2006) 31/03/2006
Notifications VAT Clarification of subsidy 19/04/2010
Notifications VAT Reduction rate of tax on Kerosene Oil 10/03/2012
Notifications VAT Amendment in the schedule 1 , 2 Part B ans schedule 2 Part E 31/03/2010
Notifications VAT Regarding Amedment in JVAT Act 07/11/2014
Notifications VAT S.O. 65 regarding Jharkhand Industrial Policy, 2012 08/01/2015
Notifications VAT Substitution of the clause 2(b) of the departmental notification no S.O 212 21/12/2009
Notifications VAT Related to online payment of VAT 12/09/2010
Notifications VAT Exemption Regarding Canteen Stores Department 17/12/2014
Notifications JENT Entertainment Tax Rate 17/12/2014
Notifications JET S.O. 169 Jharkhand Entry Tax Rules 09/09/2011
Notifications VAT Amendments in the Schedule 1 ,2 Part B and C of Act 07/02/2011
Notifications VAT LG-16-2005-57 03/12/2008
Notifications VAT Amendment in the schedule 2 part B in the matter of Foodgrain 22/06/2009
Notifications VAT In exercise of the powers conferred by the sub-section (2) of Section 72 of the Jharkhand Value Added Tax Act, 2005 31/03/2006
Notifications VAT Exemption Regarding Central Master Canteen of Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) 07/11/2014
Notifications Commercial COMPOSITION SCHEME(English) 10/05/2014
Notifications VAT In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of Section 4 and sub-section (1) 31/03/2006
Notifications VAT Notification Regarding Exemption R K Mission, Tupudana 21/05/2015
Notifications VAT Kar Samadhan Yojna, 2015 26/06/2015
Notifications CST Resolution & Notification Regarding Validation of Sugam G 07/11/2014
Notifications VAT CSD Exemption 30/03/2013
Notifications VAT Deletion of S.O. 25 & Tax Rate on Tobacco Products 22/11/2012
Notifications JENT Exemption of Entertainment Tax on Cinema Houses and Multiplex Cinema Complex 10/03/2012
Notifications VAT S.O. 67 regarding Jharkhand Industrial Policy, 2012 08/01/2015
Notifications VAT S.O. 68 regarding Jharkhand Industrial Policy, 2012 08/01/2015
Notifications VAT Notice Regarding Training for Website 28/11/2014
Notifications VAT Notification Regarding Exemption R K Mission, Morabadi 21/05/2015
Notifications VAT clarification of the subsidy in the matter of LPG cylinders 17/06/2008
Notifications VAT Regarding VAT Act Amendment 2011 18/09/2011
Notifications VAT Jharkhand Act 05,2006 as amended by Amendment Act No. 21 of 2006 20/07/2007
Notifications VAT S.O.142 related to JVAT Ruels 23/07/2011
Notifications VAT Amedment of JVAT 407 Rules 2006 07/11/2014
Notifications VAT Process flow of SUGAM (P) in New Software (Version 2) 25/02/2015
Notifications VAT In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-Rule (13) of Rule 13 of the JVAT 31/03/2006
Notifications VAT Regarding power of officers 29/01/2015
Notifications JED S.O ---E.D Amendment 14/06/2007
Notifications VAT Amendment Act no.21 of 2006) the Governor of Jharkhand is pleased to amend the Schedule-I, Part-B, Part-C and Part-E of Schedule-II and Schedule-III 03/06/2007
Notifications VAT Change in rate of Tax of Coal Beb,Steam,Furance oil and spare part 16/07/2012
Notifications VAT Set up and erection of check post and barrier 03/09/2007
Notifications JPT Appointed Day for implementation of Professional Tax 29/06/2012
Notifications VAT Notice Regarding mandatory update for the Invalid or Structurally wrong PANs 25/02/2015
Notifications VAT Process flow of SUGAM (B) in New Software (Version 2) 25/02/2015
Notifications VAT Related to Dharmshala 10/04/2015
Notifications VAT Amendments for Hight Speed Diesel Oil, Light Diesel Oil 06/07/2008
Notifications VAT Governor of Jharkhand is pleased to make the following Amendments in Rifnyed compost vegetable and oil 22/06/2007
Notifications Professional Tax Notification regarding formulation of Jharkhand Walfare fund for Professional Tax 21/01/2014
Notifications VAT Notification related to Deletion of S.O. 25 & Tax Rate on Tobacco Products 21/01/2014
Notifications VAT Notification regarding RAF - Jamsedpur 20/05/2015
Notifications VAT Rate on Spare Parts and Components of Motor Vehicles 07/11/2014
Notifications JVAT Notification regarding check-post offices power 30/09/2014
Notifications VAT Amendment of Departmental Notification No. S.O 132 in matter of foodgrain 23/08/2011
Notifications VAT Amendment in the schedule 1 of JVAT in matter of foodgrain 23/08/2011
Notifications JHLT Notification Hotel Luxury Tax Act 06/02/2011
Notifications VAT Amendment in Departmental Notification No S.O. 131 23/08/2006
Notifications VAT Notification related to reduction rate of tax on Kerosene Oil 21/01/2014
Notifications VAT In exercise of the powers conferred by the sub-section (1) of Section 44 31/03/2006
Notifications VAT Notice Regarding Training 28/11/2014
Notifications VAT Notification Regarding Version II 21/10/2014
Notifications VAT Notification regarding Exemption Yogda Satsang Society 21/05/2015
Notifications VAT Notification related to Change in rate of Tax of Coal Beb,Steam,Furance oil and spare parts 21/01/2014
Notifications VAT Amendment Act no.3 of 2008 05/07/2011
Notifications VAT change in the role of issuing officer 22/12/2012
Notifications VAT Yugda Satsangh Society Notification 03/10/2010
Notifications VAT Amend the Sl No 86D of the schedule 2 Part B 18/08/2010
Notifications VAT Amendements in the Part-E of Schedule-II 05/09/2008
Notifications VAT Notifications in exercise of the powers conferred 03/09/2007
Notifications VAT Canteen Stores Departments(CSD) Exemption 21/01/2014
Notifications CST CST Notification form 3% to 2% 30/05/2008
Notifications VAT Notification Regarding LPG 25/02/2015
Notifications VAT Notification regarding CRPF - Tiril Ashram 20/05/2015
Notifications VAT 2006 In exercise of the powers conferred by the clause (xxxii) of Section 2 of the Jharkhand Value Added Tax Act 31/03/2006
Notifications JVAT Notification for extension of JVAT 200 (Q) Return due date 22/07/2015
Notifications VAT S.O. 69 regarding Jharkhand Industrial Policy, 2012 08/01/2015
Notifications CST S.O 143 related to CST Rules 23/07/2011
Notifications VAT Rate of Industrial inputs 09/10/2009
Notifications VAT Cancellation of Departmental Notification No S.o 5 26/06/2010
— 100 Items per Page
Showing 1 - 100 of 140 results.